Appstract offers comprehensive ServiceNow migration services and ensures smooth operation of a ServiceNow solution.

Why You Should Choose Us

Besides the usual ServiceNow migration activity (moving your data, doing customizations, setting up relevant integrations, etc.), we make sure you don’t face common post-migration challenges:
  • We prevent your current solution’s problems from reappearing in ServiceNow (in case you change your old tool for ServiceNow).
  • We reduce the costs associated with frequent ServiceNow release migrations (in case you migrate from an older ServiceNow release to a newer one).

ServiceNow migration helps change a legacy ITSM solution or single-point tools for ServiceNow, or upgrade the existing ServiceNow solution to a newer platform release. 

What Our Migration Services Include

When migrating from your old solution to ServiceNow:

  • To get you ready for the technical part of the project, we run migration consulting that covers:
    • Analyzing the problems that your old solution caused and finding ways to solve them with ServiceNow.
    • Advising you on how to optimize business processes to make the processes transferred to ServiceNow more efficient.
    • Helping you to settle on the ServiceNow functionality you need, be it out-of-the-box or custom-made features and applications.
    • Reviewing various migration strategies and choosing one that suits your needs best.
    • Planning further implementation and solution adoption activities.
  • We perform data migration and set up integrations between ServiceNow and other tools of your IT ecosystem, for example, IT infrastructure management solutions, cloud services, email and CRM tools.
  • We do configuration and customization of your ServiceNow solution to make it reflect your business processes, branding preferences, corporate guidelines, etc.
  • We run quality assurance activities to safeguard the alignment of your ServiceNow solution to your business requirements.
  • We conduct user training for your employees providing different types of training materials for different target audiences and using the help of your employee influencers to evangelize ServiceNow usage.
  • We go live with your ServiceNow solution and provide 2-3 months of after-launch support to help your users overcome the challenges of acclimating to the new solution as well as monitor and improve its live performance.

When migrating from an older ServiceNow release to a newer one:

  • We perform release migration consulting that involves:
    • Clarifying what features and capabilities become available to you with the new release.
    • Analyzing the scope of the migration project and estimating its duration.
  • We migrate your solution to the newer platform release (together with all relevant integrations, customizations and custom apps).
  • We run quality assurance, train your users regarding new release features (if applicable) and launch your solution to production.

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