Remote & Virtual Teams training tailored to the needs of your specific teams and delivered face-to-face or virtually.

Working across distance, cultures, time zones, through technology and across organizational boundaries. Each type of virtual team has its own specific challenges.

We developed the world’s first virtual teams training more than 25 years ago and can put together a program specific to the challenges of your virtual team, not just a “one size fits all” solution.

Common challenges include:

  • Streamlining cooperation – simpler ways of working and effective virtual meetings
  • Creating a communication cadence that engages team members when communicating through technology
  • Creating trust remotely and balancing trust, empowerment and control
  • Building community and staying visibility remotely
  • Balancing productivity with sustainable wellbeing and resilience for our people
  • Staying creative when working remotely

Agile & Digital Leadership training – leading people in agile organizations and creating the people capability for successful digital transformation

Agility is about principles before tools. We help you clarify what you want to achieve and build the best ways of working to achieve it.

Program elements can be tailored to your agile and digital context and business goals but often includes

Agile working and digital transformation are challenging traditional ways for working. This changes the nature of leadership, how we innovate and the way we exercise control, work through technology and manage risk.

Many organizations are focused on introducing Agile tools such as SCRUM and KANBAN or on introducing digital tools. However, agility is about principles before tools. In a post-COVID world some traditional agile techniques that rely on face-to-face contact will need to be adapted fast.

Just having a stand up meeting every day or introducing the latest collaboration app won’t make you agile and may make things worse.

We start by being clear about what you are trying to achieve and then select the tools and ways of working that help you get there.

Our unique contribution lies in:

  • skills for people running or working on multiple and virtual Agile teams
  • the leadership and people management capabilities needed in an agile organization or during digital transformation?
  • applying agile and lean leadership principles to increase our organizational agility
  • Failing fast and managing risk – using iterative working and a Minimal Viable Product approach to accelerate learning, experimentation and customer involvement.
  • Leading for Speed – lean and agile principles in action – cutting out unnecessary work to meet, decide and deliver faster.
  • Autonomous teams and shared and emergent leadership – building and supporting autonomous teams and enabling distributed leadership to emerge.
  • Moving from hierarchy to networks and influence – developing the skills to build, improve and activate your network to get things done and influence without authority.
  • Accelerating technology adoption – how to speed up the way different groups of people adopt new tools and adapt your way of working to the opportunities that technology brings.